Membership Directory - Corporate
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ABCK-AmCham Kuwait Membership Directory 2024
Saudi Arabian Chevron
Saudi Arabian Chevron (SAC) operates in the Partitioned Zone (PZ) that lies between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The two countries share the natural resources on a 50/50 basis, whereas SAC and KGOC jointly manage operations under the entity of Joint Operations. They operate the Export Terminal in Mina Saud and the oil fields of Wafra, South Umm Gudair, South Fuwaris, Humma, Arq and North Wafra. SAC’s work location is in Mina Saud, Kuwait with support Offices in Houston, and Riyadh & Al-Khobar.
SAC’s vision is growing together, the people, partnerships and the hydrocarbon resources of the onshore Partitioned Zone PZ. Its mission is to deliver to KSA, Chevron, employees, and stakeholders the greatest possible value in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, by efficiently exploring, developing and producing the hydrocarbon resources entrusted to us.
SAC’s vision is growing together, the people, partnerships and the hydrocarbon resources of the onshore Partitioned Zone PZ. Its mission is to deliver to KSA, Chevron, employees, and stakeholders the greatest possible value in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, by efficiently exploring, developing and producing the hydrocarbon resources entrusted to us.
Area of Interest: Oil/Gas/Energy, Construction/Engineering, Defense/Aerospace
Company Website:
VP Operations
PGPA Manager
Senior VP Administrations
SAC President
VP Support Services
Sr Financial Advisor
Assistant to the President
SAC Managing Counsel
VP Operations